My studio is now finally finished, and I took the opportunity to take some pictures while it is still tidy and shiny. I also filmed a little mini studio tour/vlog for my Youtube channel, so will link to that video here if you are interested to have a look:
What I love the most about my new studio is the light. Even on a rainy day I still get loads of natural light.
We covered the floor with a vinyl mat, so now I can paint and spill and be messy without having to worry about destroying the mat underneath.

I do not think I have ever had a studio this tidy. When I packed up my old studio I cleared out all the old stuff I haven't used in a while and that in combination with having a little more storage space now makes it seem uncluttered and spacious. I absolutely love it!

I bought this desk second hand, and together with my husband we stripped it of the old paint and painted it anew. It will be my computer desk, and no paint or liquids will be allowed on it.

Because this studio is bigger than what I have had in a long time, I decided to get two work desks instead of only one. This way I can use one for my everyday painting, and the other can be kept clean and ready as filming station.

I think this looks so inviting.

A little bit of home on my window sill.

I decided to put my big painting table in the middle of the room, this way I can walk around it and easier make use of the whole table while painting.
I hope you enjoyed this small tour of my studio. Now it is time to get creative and messy in here!