I decided that I wanted to have my blog integrated with my website. Hopefully the website will become a more dynamic place this way. I have been really happy with Blogger (blogspot) as a host, so I can always go back in case I change my mind. But let's try this out and see how it goes.
Here is the link to my 'old' blog in case you have missed it: https://jennymoedkorpela.blogspot.com
I will leave the old blog active, there are too many posts that I myself still want access to.
There will also be a few updates to my website in the next few days. It is time to change some pictures, if nothing else.
I am getting into a quite nice rythm in the studio. It surprises me a little that I had no problem getting started like I usually have when I have been away for a while. Maybe the reason was that I have a few ongoing projects that am really looking forward to continue on. Lots of new ideas. It's exciting, really!

Planning a swan painting. Or a few, to be honest. Here I am trying out one idea in my art journal.

Here is the first swan painting completed. Trumpet swans in watercolours on hot pressed cotton paper. I painted these with my new Daniel Smith paints, and I am falling more and more in love with them. I'm thinking of doing a proper review of them either here or in a video. Would that be something you would be interesting in?

Next I have a couple of pages that I completed in my big art journal. The book is now full, so next week I will share the last pages and a 'flip through' video from it. This is watercolour on a gessoed page. I like the movement of the background and I am happy with the colours. The only thing I'm not sure about is if I want to paint the seagull big like this, or if I want it smaller like in the next page:

This is the same seagull, but from further away. I like both compositions though, so maybe I will just paint them both but with different seagulls. (Reference photo from Paul Houza from the facebook group 'photos for artists').
That was it from me this week. Don't forget to subscribe to my website so that you will get notifications when I post new works of art or write in my blog here. I will try and keep to my old schedule of writing every Friday.
Thank you for stopping by and I wish you a great weekend!